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To authorize the expenditure of up to $2,000 to produce an informational video pertaining to DPCA finances.
Motion passes unanimously.
Does the membership view this expenditure as frugal with rumors of financial problems?
To an organization that will NOT support cropping and docking, this is an exceedingly large amount of member's cash.
Is the current judging of Dobermans up to standard or is this too much money for the results so far?
This is in support of the AKC event that DiNardo grabbed the judging assignments for himself and the wife plus friends.
A motion by Jan Van Wormer - This motion, considering the soon-to-follow resignation of DeGregario and subsequent attitude by her, this seems to be a case of throwing good money after bad!
While this has been recently rescinded –HOWEVER - THEY DID VOTE TO APPROVE IT initially!
Preamble: Health issues that continue to plague our Dobermans are some of our highest priorities. The DPCA wants to assist researchers with the development of treatments and cures of common diseases, especially DCM.
Motion: It is moved that the DPCA award a grant of $10,000 to Dr. Amara Estrada, University of Florida , to assess the ability of treating DCM using gene therapy and $25,000 to Dr. Richard Vulliet, University of California Davis , and ReGena-Vet Laboratories to begin treatment of DCM Dobermans with stem cell (MSC) products.
The motion passed unanimously.
Does this seem like a club with financial problems?
Preamble: To supply the apparel for this year?s National Specialty in Topeka , KS .
Motion: To approve $23,800 for the budget to purchase apparel stock for the National.
Motion passed unanimously.
While this MAY represent more of an investment – one might ask, “How serious is the financial difficulty?”
Preamble: We need to have attractive and functional items to make fundraising successful.
Motion: To approve a budget of up to $5,000 to purchase Picnic-Time Sports chairs for fundraising.
Motion passed unanimously.
That Albino Doberman Pinschers shall be ineligible for nomination for all conformation and performance awards, certificates, agility certificates, and competitions of the DPCA including, but not limited to, Longevity Program, Working Aptitude Evaluation, Top Twenty competition, obedience certificates, agility certificates, tracking certificates, and that Z factored Dobermans be allowed to participate in performance awards programs such as Top 20 Obedience and Agility, performance recognition awards, and the WAE ONLY upon proof of neutering.
For the motion: Cornelius, Shorr, DiNardo, Monteleon, Schoeneman, DeHetre, Helsdon, Hanley, Jacobson, Brucker
Against: None
Abstain: None
Some controvery about the span of time required between judging assignments:
2008 APM : "A judge for the Regional associated with the National Specialty may not judge may not judge at the National Specialty or any event associated with it for 3 years.
2013 APM: "A judge who has judged any of the Conformation classes, Futurity classes, Agility or Obedience classes at a National Specialty Show shall not be eligible to judge that event again at any future show until after four subsequent National Specialty Shows have taken place. For example a judge at the 1982 Show would not be eligible to judge again until 1987."
Motion 11-44 (Hanley/Moceri) To have a seven year span between judging at the regional or national and the next time a judge is eligible to be on the ballot.
For the motion: J. Brown, Hanley, Kelley, Kramer, Moceri, Molin, Reeves-Hunt
Against the motion: Brooks, M. Brown, Brucker, DiNardo, Jacobson
Abstain: None
Motion passes
How can this time span be changed from 3 yrs in 2008 to 7 years in 2011, and then, four subsequent National shows in the 2013 APM? The only time span voted on by the BoD is 11-44, thus the only legal time span!
The following 2 motions (12-17 and 12-20) address the issue of photographs on the DPCA website. Motion 12-20 amends & replaces Motion 12-17
That photographs of uncropped Dobermans would be allowed on DPCA web site.
For the motion: Dr. Mary-Helene (Mimi) Brown, Sandy Teague, Julie Stade, Dr. May Jacobson, Sam Moceri, Penny Cary, Naomi Shorr. and George Ross, Jeff Brucker
No Vote: Debi Sternberg, Ellen Hanley, Judy Brown, Dr. Anthony DiNardo, Beverly Purswell, DVM
Motion Passes
The next group of motions are about the Albino participation at the 2011 DPCA National.
What follows is an attempt to rectify the blunder. After the obedience Top Twenty occurred, the board rescinded Motion 4-26 with this motion.
That no purebred Doberman Pinscher shall be excluded from participation in companion performance events, including Top Twenty obedience and agility events held in conjunction with the DPCA Regional or national based upon the breed disqualification of not being an allowed color as set forth in the DPCA Breed Standard.
Doberman Pinschers not of an allowed color shall not be eligible to participate in conformation events including Top Twenty conformation events, the Working Aptitude Test, the Longevity Program and/or any other non AKC based DPCA programs. Z factored Dobermans shall be allowed to participate in the DPCA WAE only upon submitting proof that the Z factored Doberman has been Spayed or neutered.
The motion rescinds Motion 4-26: Monteleon/Heldson
That Albino Doberman Pinschers shall be ineligible for nomination for all conformation and performance awards, certificates, agility certificates, and competitions of the DPCA including, but not limited to, Longevity Program, Working Aptitude Evaluation, Top Twenty competition, obedience certificates, agility certificates, tracking certificates, and that Z factored Dobermans be allowed to participate in performance awards programs such as Top 20 Obedience and Agility, performance recognition awards, and the WAE ONLY upon proof of neutering.
For the motion: Julie Stade, Debi Sternberg, Judy Brown, Sam Moceri, Tony DiNardo, Naomi Shorr, Penny Cary, Jeff Brucker, Ellen Hanley, Sandy Teague, George Ross
Against the motion: None
Abstain: None
No vote: May Jacobson, Mimi Brown, Beverly Purswell
Move to rescind Motion 12-17(Jacobsen/Teague) that photographs of uncropped Dobermans would be allowed on the DPCA web site.
That photographs of uncropped Dobermans would be allowed on DPCA web site.
For the motion: Dr. Mary-Helene (Mimi) Brown, Sandy Teague, Julie Stade, Dr. May Jacobson, Sam Moceri, Penny Cary, Naomi Shorr. and George Ross, Jeff Brucker
No Vote: Debi Sternberg, Ellen Hanley, Judy Brown, Dr. Anthony DiNardo, Beverly Purswell, DVM
Motion Passes
The next group of motions are about the Albino participation at the 2011 DPCA National. The following is a motion (4-26) enacted in 2004, but wasn't followed at the 2011 National.
Notice the additional requirements for breeders...(below)
Beginning with the membership renewal forms in 2013, each member requesting a listing in the Breeders' Directory must agree to place the following on the home page of his/her website, if one exists, or the listing will not be accepted. In addition, the following statement will be placed in the introduction to the Breeders' Directory section of the Members' Resource Directory indicating that all listed breeders support the DPCA's position statement.
We do not condone or support the breeding of the "white"/albino Doberman as it is a genetic mutation with some serious physical consequences. Learn more here
For the motion: Penny Cary, Beverly Purswell, Naomi Shorr, Debi Sternberg, Jeff Brucker, Julie Stade, Ellen Hanley, Sandy Teague, Sam Moceri
Against the motion: None
No vote: George Ross, Judy Brown, May Jacobsen, Mimi Brown, Anthony Dinardo
A person's website is in their ownership - an ownership that you paid for and maintain. I don't believe that anyone can demand that you do anything you don't want to on that website.
How do you think it would look if the DPCA got sued over someone's first amendment right, especially since they have had albinos on their own website and have upheld the ability of the albino to be in the TT?
So now it is up to individual breeders to fight albinism without the backing of our own Board of Directors? I am a breeder in good standing and the DPCA cannot force me to put anything about albinos on my own personal web site (that I pay for) considering their record of not protecting the breed.
All the years that Albino Committee members worked to educate and this is what it has transpired? This BoD won't even appoint a new Albino Committee Chair.
Where is AKC sending the Z list??? Was that the genius of appointing Sheila Dinardo who did not have a working email address? So AKC could say the DPCA doesn't seem to want Z tracking anymore?
The BoD won't take a stand against albinos at our internal Top Twenty, but they are forcing all of us breeders to take a stand against them on our personal web sites? I guess they expect us to do as they say, but not as they do! What a bunch of arrogant hypocrites!
I find this highly irregular and in light of their recent vote on 12-41, I will not comply and I will encourage other breeders to do the same.
It is bullying, interference, control, a move against civil liberties. It is also poorly worded ("serious physical consequences"? Makes it sound like the albinos are going to beat you up).
They refuse to fix the top twenty mess, but expect members to tell the world all about albinos . I'm sorry, it constitutes advertising for albinos. Remember the old Hollywood mantra, "There's no such thing as bad press." It sounds actionable to me.
Two hundred and twenty-eight (228) DPCA members, in answer to Motion 12-19 submitted a Motion to Limit petition which was summarily rejected by the BoD. The petition met ALL constitutional requirements and the Board had NO LEGAL GROUNDS upon which to reject it.
Whereas, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America states that the object of the club is to preserve and protect the Doberman Pinscher
Whereas, Section 2 of the Constitution of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America states that the object of the club is to urge members and breeders to protect the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club
Whereas, the Doberman Pinscher Club of America has special non regular programs and events independent of the American Kennel Club
Whereas, the Doberman Pinscher Club of America has the right to establish its own rules for their special non regular programs and events without input or approval from the American Kennels Club
Whereas, an albino Doberman has a genetic fault that masks the pigment of our four normal colors
Whereas, Geneticists and examining veterinarians have determined that these dogs suffer from a deleterious form of partial albinism
Whereas, the Doberman Pinscher Club of American has determined that the albinistic trait is deleterious to the breed Whereas, a precedent has been set by the Doberman Pinscher Club of America in limiting eligibility for its Working Aptitude Evaluation to only Doberman Pinschers of the four allowed colors
Whereas, a precedent has been set by the Doberman Pinscher Club of America in limiting eligibility for its Longevity/Bred For Longevity programs to only Doberman Pinschers of the four allowed colors
Motion 12-38 (Purswell / J. Brown)
I move that eligibility for all Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty events be limited to Doberman Pinschers of the four allowed colors.
A point of order was called by Shorr
Motion 12-38 is Ruled in conflict of Motion 12-19 by President Brucker
At this point there is a great deal of confusion. The BoD attests that it contacted the AKC for a ruling, but the ruling sent back was unofficial. Others attest that the Top Twenty events are not AKC sanctioned events, and therefore the rules are for us to decide. The Board then made the following motions:
Whereas the Doberman Pinscher Club of America has been informed by the American Kennel Club that we, as a Parent Club, cannot restrict albino Dobermans from appearing in our Top Twenty Performance events and competition because the points they earned to qualify there were earned at AKC shows, in which albinos are eligible to compete, and
Whereas certain members of our club feel this is not within the scope of AKC's authority, and have made their wishes known to the Board of Directors of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America, and
Whereas the motion made by Beverly Purswell and seconded by Judith Brown Motion 12-38 "Therefore, I move that eligibility for all Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top Twenty events be limited to Doberman Pinschers of the four allowed colors." would require the Doberman Pinscher Club of America to appeal directly to the American Kennel Club for an official ruling regarding the Parent Club's authority to set the rules for the Doberman Pinscher Club of America's internal programs, and
Whereas only a small percentage of the membership have made their thoughts on the subject known, and understanding that there is no guarantee that we would prevail in an appeal to AKC it is obvious that the Board of Directors must know exactly what the majority of the membership wants the Doberman Pinscher Club of America Officers and Board of Directors to do in this regard.
Motion 12-39 (Shorr/J. Brown)
I move that voting on Ms. Purswell's and Ms. Brown's motion be postponed until a ballot can be sent, by mail, to each member of the club asking what their feelings are on this subject. After the ballots are counted it will then be apparent how the members wish the Officers and Board to vote on whether or not to restrict the albino from our Top Twenty events.
A point of order was called by Helsdon
Motion 12-39 is Ruled Out of Order by President Brucker
Motion to lay motion 12-39 on the table
For: Jacobsen, Shorr, Hanley, Teague, Brucker, Cary, Helsdon
Against: Sternberg
Abstain: Purswell, M. Brown
No Vote: DiNardo, J. Brown, Stade, Ross
This Motion 12-41 was originally called out of order Procedurally, Teague removed her second, Shorr then seconded the motion, at that time Motion 12-41 was put on the floor:
Preamble: Whereas Section 2 of the Constitution of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America states that the objects of the club include "to preserve and protect the Doberman Pinscher and to do all things possible to bring its natural qualities to perfection" and to urge members and breeders to "preserve and protect the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which the Doberman Pinscher shall be judged";
Whereas Art. IV, Section 4 of the Charter and Bylaws of the American Kennel Club states that "It shall be the duty and privilege of each parent member Specialty Club to define precisely the true type of the breed of purebred dogs which it was organized to promote and improve and its definition when approved by the Board of Directors of the AKC shall and will be recognized by the AKC as the sole standard of excellence for which such breed of purebred dogs shall be bred and by which specimens of such breed must be judged in the awarding of prizes of merit";
Whereas the breeding of Albino Dobermans has been, is, and shall forever be, directly in conflict with the objects of the club as set forth in Section 2 of the Constitution of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America and it is the corollary object of the club to discourage the breeding of Albino Dobermans;
Whereas the Doberman Pinscher Club of America has special non regular programs and events;
Whereas Board Motion 04-26 established the policy of the Doberman Pinscher Club of America that Albino Dobermans "shall be ineligible for nomination for all conformation and performance awards, certificates, and competitions of the DPCA. . .";
Whereas an Albino Dobermans had an invitation extended to attend the 2011 Top 20 Obedience Competition at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America National Specialty through no fault of the Top 20 Obedience Committee, which was unaware of the clear policy of the club expressed in Motion 04-26 because that policy had not been memorialized in the Administrative Procedures Manual nor otherwise conveyed to that committee;
Whereas a nonbinding, advisory opinion of an AKC staff member opined that the application of Board Motion 04-26 might violate AKC regulations prohibiting discrimination where the sole criteria for the award or event in question is derived from AKC statistics;
Whereas there exists a bona fide question about the extent to which AKC has the constitutional authority to overrule the decision of the Board of an AKC Parent Club that has properly exercised its power under Art. IV, Section 4 of the AKC Charter to "define precisely the true type of the breed of purebred dogs which it was organized to promote and improve and its definition. . . shall and will be recognized by the AKC as the sole standard of excellence for which such breed of purebred dogs shall be bred"; Whereas the sole criteria for inclusion in the DPCA Top 20 Obedience and Agility standings is derived from AKC statistics;
Whereas the criteria for extending an invitation to compete in the Doberman Pinscher Club of America Top 20 Obedience and Agility competitions at each Doberman Pinscher Club of America National Specialty, however, is not solely derived from AKC statistics, but from those statistics together with a requirement since the adoption of Motion 04-26 that each dog in competition must be of an allowed color;
Whereas a precedent has been set by the Doberman Pinscher Club of America in limiting eligibility for its Working Aptitude Evaluation to only Doberman Pinschers of the four allowed colors;
Whereas a precedent has been set by the Doberman Pinscher Club of America in limiting eligibility for its Longevity/Bred For Longevity programs to only Doberman Pinschers of the four allowed colors;
Whereas photographs of the Albino Doberman in the Top 20 Obedience ring were quickly posted on the Facebook walls and webpages of Albino Doberman breeders and thereby exploited by them to market their breeding programs. The marketing of a photograph of an Albino Doberman in a Top 20 competition at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America National Specialty is not only a serious violation of the objects of the club as set forth in Section 2 of the Constitution, it is far more harmful than the marketing of a photograph of an Albino Doberman at a local AKC obedience trial;
Whereas the Board should seek to clarify that Motion 04-26 is not intended to, and does not, apply to the inclusion of dogs other than those of the four allowed colors in the DPCA Top 20 Obedience and Agility standings, based as they are solely on AKC statistics, but that Motion 04-26 is intended to, and does, apply to the exclusion of dogs other than those of the four allowed colors in the DPCA Top 20 Obedience and Agility Competitions held at the DPCA National Specialty;
Whereas the Board further seeks, in such clarification of Motion 04-26, to obtain from AKC a ruling on the question of the extent to which the Doberman Pinscher Club of America is empowered under Art. IV, Section 4 of the AKC Charter to exercise its own authority to protect the integrity of the breed standard of the Doberman Pinscher in the face of future challenges in other contexts;
Whereas Motion 04-26 was repealed by Motion 12-19 without full consideration of the opportunity that a challenge to Motion 04-26's exclusion of an Albino Doberman from the Top 20 Obedience Competition would provide the club to determine the extent to which AKC will constrain AKC Parent Clubs in general from protecting the integrity of their breeds and breed registries from future acts;
Motion 12-41 (Helsdon/Shorr)
Motion 12-19 is hereby rescinded. Motion 04-26 is hereby reinstated with the following clarifying amendment thereto:
That Albino Doberman Pinschers shall be ineligible for nomination for all conformation and performance awards, certificates, and competitions of the DPCA including, but not limited to, Longevity Program, Working Aptitude Evaluation, Top 20 competition, obedience certificates, agility certificates, tracking certificates, and that Z-factored Dobermans be allowed to participate in performance awards programs such as Top 20 Obedience and Agility, performance recognition awards, and the WAE ONLY upon proof of neutering. Nothing set forth herein shall be construed to require that dogs must be of an allowed color to qualify for Top 20 Obedience and Agility ranking. The eligibility of dogs to be extended an invitation to compete in the Top 20 Obedience and/or Agility Competitions shall be dependent upon whether they rank in the Top 20 dogs in the applicable year, together with the additional requirement that the dog must be of an allowed color as defined in the standard of the breed.
All other terms of Motion 04-26 not modified as set forth herein shall remain unchanged.
For: Purswell, Helsdon
Against: J. Brown, Hanley, Sternberg, Ross, Teague, DiNardo, Cary, Shorr, Brucker, M. Brown
No Vote: Stade, Jacobson
This next motion is over the DPCA "mistakes and omissions" on the 2013 National Specialty Judges ballot.
Whereas there were mistakes and omissions on the 2013 National Specialty Judges ballot, the ballot must be resent.
I move The DPCA Board of directors approve the expenditure for the sending of a second ballot for the 2013 National Specialty Judges.
Yes: M. Brown, Stade, Hanley, Teague, Shorr, Purswell, Helsdon, Jacobson, Brucker, J. Brown, Cary
No Vote: DiNardo, Sternberg, Ross
May 10, 2012
Dear Parent Club:
The American Kennel Club and Eukanuba take great pride in the fact our Parent Clubs have played an important role in our National Championship. We thank your members who dedicate their time and creativeness for the cornerstone attraction; Meet the Breeds, the attractive club ads that are sent in and the huge support of the Parent Club Medallion Trophies that are prized collectibles.
With our upcoming plans to offer all classes at the National Championship we would like to have your input on your breeds' judge. We have re-instituted a past program where we ask the Parent Club(s) for input in the selection process. We would like each club to reply with a list of up to five (5) individuals you consider most knowledgeable of your breed.
We would like to have your choices on file as potential judges of future events, and you may update as needed. You can email your selection to
mlc@akc.org or mail me:
Michael Canalizo
American Kennel Club
260 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016
We ask for you to consider these items when responding:
. The judge must be approved for at least five (or more) breeds.
. The judge must be currently approved by the American Kennel Club
. Please indicate if this person is scheduled or has judged your National within the past 3 years or within the next 3 years.
Your response received by September 1, 2012 would be appreciated. Please understand that there are many factors that enter into the panel selection and not every name might be a viable name for various reasons. We will make every attempt to use as many names as possible for future shows.
We are currently working on the 2015 panel.
Thank you again for your support of the AKC/Eukanuba National Championship.
"The Breeder's Showcase"!
Michael Canalizo
AENC Event Coordinator
Move that the DPCA submit the following names of judges to the AKC for the 2015 AKC / Eukanuba National Championship judging panel.
1. Mrs. Judith A. Brown
2. Dr. Anthony DiNardo
3. Ms. Sheila DiNardo
4. Dr. May S. Jacobson
5. Ms. Betty Leininger
For: Brucker, DiNardo, M. Brown, Teague, Hanley, Cary, Jacobson, J. Brown, Ross
Abstain: Stade
No vote cast: Shorr, Sternberg, Purswell, Helsdon
Motion Passed
Whereas the ballot for the DPCA Board election mailed to the membership did not include the resume of each candidate, and
Whereas the ballot for the DPCA Board election mailed to the membership could have been clearer that a member may vote for up to three candidates, and
Whereas the Administrative Procedures Manual ("APM") states in Section 6. K) ii, in pertinent part:
"The format of the Nominating Committee's list and the election ballot should contain:
ii. A resume of each nominee of 200 words or less including such information. . .
i. The election ballot should be on one separate sheet of paper not attached to the resumes,"
Therefore, the Board directs the Recording Secretary to cause a new ballot to be mailed to each DPCA Member entitled to vote in the Board election with all deliberate speed, together with, in the same mailing, the resume of each candidate for office on one separate sheet of paper not attached to the election ballot. The election ballot shall be printed on colored paper to distinguish it from the election ballot mailed previously. The election ballot shall advise the voting member, in addition to the other requirements of the APM, that he or she may vote for up to three candidates. The mailing shall also include a letter from the President explaining to the member the reason behind this additional mailing, instructing him or her to disregard the previous mailing if he or she has not mailed his or her ballot, and informing him or her that his or her previous vote will not be counted, that his or her ballot will only be counted once, and that the only ballot that will be counted is the colored ballot described in this Motion.
The Board further directs the President to send an immediate DPCARep message to the membership with the information that a new ballot will be sent and the reason for it.
The Board further directs the Recording Secretary to instruct the firm counting the ballots to disregard all non-colored ballots in tabulating the ballots.
For: DiNardo, M. Brown, Stade, Teague, Hanley, Cary, Purswell, J. Brown, Helsdon, Jacobson, Ross
No vote cast: Sternberg, Shorr
Motion Passed
On July 31, 2012, new President DiNardo put this out on the DPCARep....
"There seems to be a great deal of concern regarding the current ballot for the DPCA Board of Directors. The ballot stands as printed.
"Respectfully submitted,
Dr.Anthony D.DiNardo(TONY)
President DPCA
The President does not have the constitutional authority to unilaterally overrule the BoD on a motion HE VOTED FOR and yet here it is in black and white.
To appoint Judith A Brown to fulfill the balance of Debi Sternberg's term as Recording Secretary.
For: DiNardo, M. Brown, Stade, Teague, Hanley, Jacobson, J.Brown, Helsdon, Ross, Purswell
Against: none
Abstain: Cary
No vote cast: Shorr
Motion Passed
To approve the Judges' Education Committee to be chaired equally by Faye Strauss, Bob Vandiver, Jeffrey Brucker and Gwen DeMilta.
In favor: Dr. Anthony D. DiNardo, Jeffrey Helsdon, Ellen Hanley, Sandy Teague, Robin Kelley, Naomi Shorr, Morris ("Skip") Lee
Opposed: Dr. Mary-Helene Brown, Judith Brown, Dr. May Jacobson, Penny Cary, Dr. Beverly Purswell, Theresa Mullen
Absent: Julie Stade
Motion Passed.
A subject of some controversy - having 2 handlers on the J.E.C. - this may be recinded.
In an effort to reduce the duplication of efforts and to promote consistent communication of the DPCA mission, we move,
That the duties of the Albino Committee be folded into the Public Education Committee's responsibilities and the Albino Committee be eliminated.
This motion passed unanimously.
Does this motion enhance the attention paid to the Albino?
Is the threat of z-factored/Albino dogs on the wane?
Does this reduction in the "duplication of efforts" now pave the way for further expansion of z-factored/Albinos at the National and beyond?
To rescind Motion 13-10
In favor: Jeffrey Helsdon, Dr. Mary-Helene Brown, Julie Stade, Judith Brown, Sandy Teague, Ellen Hanley, Penny Cary, Robin Kelley, Dr. May Jacobson, Morris ("Skip") Lee, Theresa Mullen, Naomi Shorr
No Vote: Dr. Beverly Purswell
Motion Passes
A rapid recovery to sanity as the Motion to load the JEC with two handlers, a former DPCA President, a handler of Dinardo's dog ...the Judges Education is partially restored but without Bob Vandiver
In favor: Jeffrey Helsdon, Judith Brown, Sandy Teague, Ellen Hanley, Dr. Beverly Purswell, Robin Kelley, Dr. May Jacobson. Morris "Skip" Lee, Theresa Mullen, Naomi Shorr
Against: Penny Cary
Motion passed.
To authorize the expenditure of $2,500 for a Green Dog Sponsorship at the PennVet Working Dog Conference from April 8-11, 2013 at the Purina Event Center in Gray Summit, Mo., and to further authorize the setting up and staffing of a DPCA educational booth at the conference.
In Favor: DiNardo, Helsdon, MBrown, Stade, JBrown, Teague, Cary, Purswell, Kelley, Jacobson, Lee, Shorr
Opposed: Hanley
No vote: Mullen
Motion Passed
The focus of this conference is to:
Whereas, the most important of the objects of the DPCA as set forth in Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution and Bylaws are the following:
To . . . preserve and protect the Doberman Pinscher and to do all things possible to bring its natural qualities to perfect[ion](sic); [and]
To urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which the Doberman Pinscher shall be judged; and
Whereas having a Standard Review Committee as a standing committee is antithetical to those purposes, as the existence of such a committee implies that the existing standard of the breed need not be accepted, but may be changed; and
Whereas it is the policy of the DPCA to adhere to and advance the current standard of the breed; and
Whereas the existence of a standing committee only mistakenly invites an unwelcomed opportunity to make changes to the standard of the breed;
Now, therefore, the Board of Directors of the DPCA enact the following.
Motion: that the Standard Review Committee shall be disbanded as a standing committee of the DPCA, effective immediately.
Motion passed unanimously with all Board members voting.
To name Jan Van Wormer as the DPCA representative to the NAIA Conference, November 2 and 3, 2013, Orlando , Florida and to pay expenses not to exceed $1200.00.
Motion Passed unanimously.
To participate in the AKC President's Challenge by donating $300.00 to the support of legislative projects.
Motion passes unanimously.