Section 2.
1. YES 392 /NO 118 To promote the public’s knowledge…
2. YES 399 /NO 112 To produce, publish, and distribute…
3. YES 402 /NO 109 To support and promote study and research…
4. YES 400 /NO 110 To establish a National Data Base of resource materials…
5. YES 404 /NO 112 To further understanding of the disease, defects…
6. YES 396 /NO 114 To acknowledge and advance…
7. YES 397 /NO 109 To conduct activities…
8. YES 401 /NO 109 To otherwise preserve and protect…
9. YES 401 /NO 110 To urge the general public and members…
Section 1. Eligibility.
(a) YES 395 /NO 131 Active Membership – Open to all persons…
(c) YES 362 /NO 138 Junior Membership – Open to all persons…
(d) YES 347 /NO 150 Honorary – Persons who in the opinion…
Section 2. Dues
YES 379 /NO 130 Dues for active domestic membership…
YES 350 /NO 153 Dues for junior membership…
YES 356 /NO 152 Dues shall not exceed $50.00 per year…
ARTICLE I. Membership. continued
Section 3. Election to membership
YES 374 /NO 144 An application for Active Membership…
YES 372 /NO 153 An application for Active Membership…
Section 4. Rights and duties of members
YES 365 /NO 113
ARTICLE II. Meetings.
Section 1. Annual meeting.
YES 385 /NO 124 The quorum for the annual meeting shall be 5%…
Section 2. Special Club Meetings
YES 380 /NO 122 Special Club Meetings may be called…
YES 377 /NO 129 The quorum for such a meeting shall be 5%…
Section 4.
YES 381 /NO 118 The Board of Directors may conduct its business…
ARTICLE III. Directors and Officers
YES 349 /NO 168 The Board of Directors shall be comprised…
(NOTE: A “yes” vote on this provision approves all subsequent provisions consistent with implementing this section.)
(c) YES 357 /NO 138 The Second Vice President shall be responsible for…
(d) YES 370 /NO 129 The Recording Secretary shall make and preserve…
(h) YES 355 /NO 142 The AKC Delegate shall serve on the Board of Directors…
Section 5. Handling at the National
YES 362 /NO 138 No Officer, Board Member or Bench Show Chairman…
ARTICLE IV. The Club Year, Voting, Nominations, Elections
YES 372 /NO 128 At the annual meeting or at a special meeting of the Club…
Section 3. Annual Election
YES 374 /NO 139 The annual election of officers, directors and delegate…
(NOTE: A “yes” vote operates as a vote to change all dates pertaining to nomination and election process.)
Section 4. Nominations and Ballots.
YES 371 /NO 139 No person may be a candidate in a club election…
(a) YES 373 /NO 129 The Nominating Committee shall nominate…
(d) YES 378 /NO 136 So that the ballots remain secret, each voter…
ARTICLE VI. Discipline.
Section 2. Charges.
YES 362 /NO 145 Written charges with specifications must be filed…
YES 390 /NO 127 The Recording Secretary shall promptly send…
Section 3. Board Hearing.
YES 371 /NO 137 Should the charges be sustained after hearing…
(DATE) __________________________________
Must be signed
Must be signed