To: Anthony DiNardo, President of the DPCA
20 Peaslee Hill
West Hartford, CT 06117-2918
Cc: Entire Board
From: Judith Bingham
115 Minnesota Avenue
Beaumont, CA 92223-2816
March 21, 2013
RE: Records Request
DPCA Officers & Directors:
As a dues-paying DPCA member and breeder of over 40 years, I am requesting information from official DPCA records.
After some research on the DPCA website for motions and also in the Pipeline editions of the time, I was unable to find the dates and results of the voting that took place for the Constitution and By Law changes leading up to the 501(c)(3) status of the DPCA. I am asking for copies of the ballot, associated dates, and the results of the membership's vote on the DPCA Constitution and Bylaws changes.
I am asking that copies of this information be provide to me in the next 10 working days, preferably electronically.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Judith Bingham